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CS2 10月11日更新:排位机制优化

[ 匹配 ] 


[ 优先排位 ] 


(当您的评分为 5000、10000、15000、20000、25000 和 30000 时,该比赛将为保级赛。 当您的等级为 4999、9999、14999、19999、24999 和 29999 时,该比赛将为晋级赛。)


Release Notes for 10/10/2023


Matches will now be made with smaller rating differences between the teams at the expense of longer queue times.

[ Premier ]

Relegation and Promotion matches will only occur at color boundaries, i.e. every 5000 CS Rating points.

Increased possible CS Rating win/loss amounts to move players faster after calibration.

66hash stake
88skins stake